THE LESSONS OF A BATTLE FIGHTER " Stay in shape and play as a team to accompany the revival "

An emblematic figure of entrepreneurship, Fanny Letier embarked on her own adventure in 2019 by creating the investment company Geneo alongside François Rivolier, with the support of 70 entrepreneurial families. Fanny Letier, who was Secretary General of the Interministerial Committee for Industrial Restructuring (Ciri) at the age of 29, was succeeded by Christine Lagarde, Arnaud Montebourg's former deputy chief of staff at Bercy, and spent five years as Bpifrance's number two.

Deciding, you learn

No, it is not innate. To know how to decide is a talent that is cultivated, even a skill perfectible, according to two specialists who have just released a book on the subject.
